Scanner class Methods in Java



Java Tutorial

This tutorial will cover all topics of Java. You can learn Java from scratch. It contains link of each post related to Java. Stay dedicated!

  1. Introduction to Java
  2. Features of Java
  3. Installing JDK for Java 
  4. Setting Environment Variable or Path for java
  5. Java Program Structure
  6. Java class & main() method
  7. What is JDK and its tools
  8. What is JVM & Bytecode
  9. What is an IDE?
  10. Downloading and Installing Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  11. Creating First Java Project in Eclipse
  12. Java- Identifiers and Variables
  13. Java- Datatypes
  14. Java-Operators
  15. Java-Arithmetic Operators
  16. Java-Relational Operators
  17. Java-Logical Operators
  18. Java-Conditional Operator
  19. Java-Bitwise Operators-Understanding Binary Language
  20. Bitwise Operators-2)I's and 2's Complement in Binary
  21. Java-Bitwise Operators
  22. Java-Assignment Operator
  23. Java-Unary Operators
  24. Java- Other Operators(String Concatenation(+) Operator,new Operator, Dot(.) Operator, instanceof Operator)
  25. Java-Decision Control Statements
  26. Java- Input and Output
  27. Java-The switch Statement
  28. Java- The while Loop
  29. Java-The do-while Loop
  30. Java-The for Loop
  31. Additional Features of for Loop 
  32. Java Programs
  33. Java-Methods and their types
  34. Java- Method Overloading
  35. Java -Math Class
  36. Coding is Fun
  37. Java - Arrays
  38. Java -  Enhanced for Loop
  39. Java - Constants, Static & Final Fields
  40. Java- Constructors
  41. Java- Parameterized Constructor
  42. Java- Copy Constructor
  43. Command Line Arguments
  44. Program - To Check if the year is Leap year or not?
  45. Java - Encapsulation , Data Hiding and Access Modifiers
  46. Random numbers in Java
  47. Trunk Number in Java
  48. The super Keyword
  49. Pass By Value
  50. Pass By Reference
  51. Scanner Class Methods
