Scanner class Methods in Java

Features of Java

Features of Java

Java supports many interesting features that makes it ideal language for software development.Java supports some following features that are part of Sun Microsystems's or Oracle's website.

Java Features
Fig. Java Features


Java is very simple and easy to write language. It has removed the many bugs of C and C++. It does not contain complex features like pointers,implicit typecasting,structure,union,operator overloading,templates,multiple inheritance and many more.It easy to understand and simple.Programmer does not need to worry about memory leaks and memory management problems.


 Java is fully object- oriented language.The language is based on creating objects, implementing and integrating objects.In java, everything is written within classes.Functions are accessed through objects.


 Java is distributed language that means the programs can be designed to run on various computers through network.Java provides extensive library of classes for communicating using TCP/IP protocoles such as HTTP and FTP.It makes creating network connections much easier then other languages.You can read and write on remote sites via URL. This helps programmers to work on same projects remotely.


By robust means reliable. Java eliminates errors and bugs from code by doing early checking.It provides strong type checking and eliminates error prone programming features like pointers.Java also has exceptions handling feature which helps the programmer to catch the exception before the program crashes.It has automatic garbage collector which makes it reliable to use ,as there are no worries for allocating and freeing of memory.


Java is designed with security in mind.It is intended to be used in networked or distributed environments so it implements several security mechanisms to protect from malicious code.For example: absence of pointers in java makes it impossible to gain access to memory locations without proper authentication.

Architectural Neutral Or Platform Independent:-

This is the one of the key feature of java.This means that the programs written on one platform can be implemented on other platform.In other words, java follows, "Write-once-run-anywhere" approach. This is possible due to the bytecode generation. Java programs are compiled into bytecode that is further compiled into machine code using JVM(Java Virtual Machine).Bytecode is able to run on any computer having JVM(Java Virtual Machine).


Java is platform independent so, it is portable too. Java an run on any machine with any OS like, Windows,Unix and Mac.

Compiled and interpreted:-

Unlike the most programming languages which are either compiled or interpreted. Java is both compiled and interpreted.The java compiler translates java source file to bytecode and the java interpreter executes the translated bytecodes directly on the system that implements JVM(Java Virtual Machine).It allows extensive code checking and improved security.

High Performance:-

The feature of being compiled and interpreted makes java a language with high performance. Although in the early release of java,it was slow performer but the advance version of JVM uses the adaptive and JIT(Just-In-Time) compilation technique that makes it a high performer.


Multi-threading allows you to perform many tasks simultaneously.It enable you to write efficient program which makes the maximum use of CPU.It does not wastes the CPU resource by allowing it to be idle.Java is suitable for interactive ,GUI based networked environment. For example, user can download and play the music simultaneously.


It is dynamic because classes are stored in separate files and loaded o memory only when the java interpreter requests the loader. Applications can decide while running that which class they need and when to load it.

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