Scanner class Methods in Java

HTML Description List (dl) Tag

Description List

Description list is used to provide definition or description of  its item.It behaves like a dictionary.For example, definition of words in dictionary.
This list can be used to create web pages that defines something.

The <dl> Tag

The <dl> tag is used to create description list in HTML.The <dt> tag is used to display heading or item  whom we want to describe.The  <dd> tag contains the description of the heading in <dt> tag. All  tags are paired. 

Lets create a program that provides us the definition of some computer languages.

HTML Code:-

<head><title>Description List</title></head>
<dd>It stands for HyperText Markup Language, used in web designing to create structure of webpage</dd>
<dd>Cascading Style Sheet, used to add styles to webpage.</dd>
<dd>C Sharp ,a programming language used as backend to develop web pages.</dd>


Make your own dictionary with DL list. Happy Coding!
