Scanner class Methods in Java

Getting started with CSS

What is CSS?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is standard to design a website in beautiful manner. It keeps all the fonts,colors,styles to be used by the designer.
  • Cascading refers to the way CSS applies one style on top of another
  • Style Sheets control the look and feel of web documents.                                                      
CSS and HTML work Hand in Hand:
  • HTML sorts out the page structure.
  • CSS defines how HTML elements are displayed.
To Understand CSS, you should have basic knowledge of HTML. If you want to study HTML , Check out our HTML TUTORIAL.

Use of CSS

CSS allows you to apply specific style to specific HTML elements.

The main benefit of CSS is that it allows you to separate style from content.Using just html, all styles and formatting are in same place, which becomes rather difficult to maintain as the page grows.

All formatting can be (should be) removed from HTML document and stored in a separate CSS file.Storing the formatting in different file is safer form to code as it saves the time of finding the formatting code when required and is also understandable form of coding.
