Scanner class Methods in Java

Web Designing and Web Developing

Developing and designing websites is becoming a new trend in technology world. Every business needs a website to get more customers and to compete with other companies on the web. As we know, web marketing is a great opportunity to grow business.
So being a web designer or developer is a good start for your career. For that you must know the difference between both web designing and web developing.

Web Designing

Web designing is all about the look of website. Web designers make website to look beautiful and efficient . Web designing needs creativity, it is completely opposite to web development,

A Web Designer:
  • Focuses on the look and feel of website
  • Uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Is competent in Color scheming, graphic design and information flow
  • Creates a greater user experience
  • Is right-brained: intuition, creativity and imagination

Web Development 

Web Development is all about the logic and working of website. A web developer make the website running by using  his/her coding skills.

A Web Developer:
  • creates the inner working of website
  • Is competent in programming languages ( such as, PHP, .NET , Python, C, C#)
  • Develops the user interface
  • Is left-brained: logic, linear thinking, technical
  • Coding experience is required
